Unleash the Mysteries of Wispybloom and Earn Rewards in New World’s Springtide Bloom Event

The Springtide Bloom event has arrived in Aeternum, and adventurers are in for a treat! From April 26 through May 23, players can participate in this limited-time event and collect event-specific rewards.
The Bloom Herald is calling for Truth Seekers level 20 and above to help unravel the mysteries of the Wispybloom. Players can find Springtide Villages in Monarch’s Bluff, Everfall, Brightwood, and Weavers Fen. But beware, as swarms of Wispy Wasps guard the blooms fiercely.

Players can craft Wispy Spritz to lure Wispy Wasps into their blast radius and collect Wispy Wasp Goo in exchange for Springtide Tokens. Additionally, rewards can be earned through Springtide Centerpieces, Party Bags, Prismabloom Harvests, and the Event Shop.
Every Settlement features an ornately decorated Springtide Centerpiece, surrounded by a pile of colorful gift baskets. Players can loot each Centerpiece once per day for various rewards, including Diamond Gypsum, Wispy Spritz, and Event Reputation.

Springtide Party Bags can be found in the center of each Springtide Village and can be looted once per day. Each bag contains Springtide Tokens, Springtide Coinbags, Springtide Patterns, and Event Reputation.
When players harvest Prismablooms throughout Aeternum, they have a chance at special rewards in addition to the normal Prismabloom resources. Springtide Tokens and Premium Springtide Tokens can be earned from Prismablooms.
Players can purchase various rewards from the Bloom Herald in exchange for Springtide Tokens or Premium Springtide Tokens. These rewards include consumables, dyes, light, medium, and heavy armor patterns, the Viridian Attire Set, the Springtide Beekeeper Attire Set, emotes, and housing items.
Don’t miss out on the Springtide Bloom event in New World. Join the Bloom Herald and uncover the secrets of the Wispybloom to earn these amazing rewards!