A Massive New Bug in New World is Making Players Lose Thousands on the Trading Post

It seems like at the moment every time Amazon Games Studios plugs a hole, a new one appears. This time it’s a massive new bug that is causing all players in the game to lose their hard-earned coin. The bug appeared after patch 1.0.4 was deployed earlier today/yesterday.
The bug makes it so that all your incoming gold from the Trading Post simply just disappears if you are offline when your items are sold, and players have reported thousands and tens of thousands being lost overnight.
The result is that players are either doing their best to stay online to not lose their money or are canceling all their auctions, losing the auction fee in the process.
The cause of the bug seems to be a side effect of fixing the windowed mode invulnerability bug, as explained best by Youtuber Josh Strife Hayes below.
Amazon has been quiet concerning the bug except for a short message from Community Manager Mugsy on the New World forums earlier today after the bug had been wreaking havoc on the game’s already unstable economy for most of the day.
Thank you everyone for these reports, the team is aware of this issue and we’ll provide updates on getting this addressed.
Mugsy, New World Community Manager
Amazon Game Studios has an update saying that the bug is being worked on and that players will not be losing any of their items or gold.