Get Ready to Celebrate Love at Broken Ranks’ Valentine’s Day Party!

A knight in a blue and red cloak stands in a pond surrounded by lily pads. The text on the left reads "Broken Ranks Valentine’s Day Event." The website address is

The Broken Ranks Valentine’s Day Party is here. The event will run from 10 AM on February 14th to 10 AM on February 21st. To take part, players need to talk to the Administrator of de Vries Estate and help him organize the Valentine’s Day party. Upon completion of the quest, players will receive the Valentine’s Day helmet skin called Affection, and they can also get other rewards such as upgrade flasks, psycho exp, essences, Emperors, and pet experience.

The Premium Store will also offer the Allure event cape skin, along with other pieces that will be part of future Valentine’s Day parties. Moreover, players can write a Valentine’s Day letter of up to 250 characters to one of the characters handling the mail. From the letters received, some will be chosen and sent to every player via the announcement system. Offensive, toxic, and too long messages will not be accepted.

In addition to the quest, Broken Ranks will increase the amount of experience and psychoexperience gained on February 14th between 10 AM and 12 PM, and between 9 PM and 11 PM. They will also increase the spawn rate of platinum chests between 10 AM on February 18th to 10 PM on February 19th.

Broken Ranks’ Valentine’s Day party is open to all players, regardless of whether they have found their soulmate or not. Players can have fun at de Vries Estate and receive gifts such as a love letter and a bouquet of red roses to give to their soulmate. However, it is important to note that players can only take part in the event with one character from their account.

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