Book of Travels Enhances Combat System Through Community Collaboration

Book of Travels Enhances Combat System Through Community Collaboration

Might and Delight have announced significant updates to the game’s combat system, emphasizing the instrumental role of community feedback in this process. Recognizing that the initial combat mechanics fell short of their intended vision, the team embarked on an extensive overhaul, introducing a preview build for player testing. The initiative aimed to gather insights from…



The Book of Travels team has shared news about the game’s development since their last community update. The team has made substantial backend improvements, contributing to enhanced overall game performance. This has led to progress towards unlocking new areas, including the much-anticipated city of Kasa. With a rich history that still resonates with its inhabitants,…

Book of Travels Review: Is It Worth Playing in 2024?
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Book of Travels Review: Is It Worth Playing in 2024?

Book of Travels was released last year by the Swedish developer Might and Delight. The game sends the players to a magical land called the Braided Shore. Instead of focusing on thrilling action and fast-paced combat, Book of Travels is about relaxing and exploring the world at your own pace. Book of Travels isn’t an…

Book of Travels Shifts Focus from Creating New Content to Fixing Bugs

Book of Travels Shifts Focus from Creating New Content to Fixing Bugs

Might and Delight have announced that they will shift their focus for the next few months from creating new content for their tiny MMORPG, Book of Travels, to fixing bugs and issues in the game. Our original plan was, as you may know, to continually flesh out the game with content in the form of…

Book of Travels’ World Update 0 Brings Fixes and New Areas to Explore

Book of Travels’ World Update 0 Brings Fixes and New Areas to Explore

In a recent blog post on the Book of Travels Steam page, it was announced that World Update 0 Patch has been released. This patch includes fixes for various game issues, as well as the introduction of new areas that players can explore. It’s great to see that the developers are continuing to work hard…

Book of Travels Shares Early Access Roadmap and World Map

Book of Travels Shares Early Access Roadmap and World Map

It’s just a few more days until the TMORPG Book of Travels will enter early access, and some Kickstarter backers are already exploring the Braided Shore. Might and Delight have shared a full roadmap from Early Access to the full release of the game, along with a world map showing what areas will be included…

Book of Travels Will Let You Gamble Your Way to Fortune or Destitution

Book of Travels Will Let You Gamble Your Way to Fortune or Destitution

Book of Travels is getting closer to its October 11th early access launch date (Settler and Nomad backers can get in even earlier) and today Might & Delight previewed one of the minigames in Book of Travels. Passage is a deck-building game that will let you “gamble your way to fortune or destitution”, but at…

Book of Travels Will Enter Early Access on October 11th

Book of Travels Will Enter Early Access on October 11th

Might & Delight has announced that their upcoming TMORPG (Tiny Multiplayer Online Roleplaying Game) will enter early access on October 11th. Early access will kick off Chapter Zero in Book of Travels which will last for the entire early access. For more information about the launch, see the official post on the BoT Kickstarter page…

Book of Travels Share Four New Forms And Says Release Isn’t Far Away

Book of Travels Share Four New Forms And Says Release Isn’t Far Away

Book of Travels has posted a development update, sharing four of the Forms players can choose from in the game. The Crested, the Ribboned, the Larker, and the Veiled. To learn more about these Forms and the previously announced forms, head over to the Book of Travels Steam page. The devs also would like us…